A One-Man Band of Constitutional Crisis

How many can YOU count? President Trump’s conduct in office is an affront to Amendments 1-10, and more.

As he has proven over and over again during his time as a national political figure, President Donald J. Trump knows next to nothing — and cares even less — about the U.S. Constitution.






Keep in mind, this is only the Bill of Rights! That is, the 1st through 10th of the twelve planned Constitutional amendments that were set down and marched toward ratification early in our republic’s history, in 1791.

The graphic does not even contemplate Trump’s violations of the emoluments clauses; the debasement of Article V he has launched with his campaign to end birthright citizenship by executive order (which itself is a perversion of the 14th Amendment); and how his term in office so far has effectively abrogated the balance of powers doctrine and cowed Congress’s Article I legislative prerogatives.

If you can see these offenses to the Supreme Law of the Land collected all in one place, and still support this president? You should be asking yourself why and how you have abandoned your faith and fidelity in the Constitution of the United States… And what you should consider doing about finding another civilization to be part of.